Wednesday, December 23, 2009

On the Horizon: TV Series and Documentary on MMS

I’ve had the feeling that a new wave of the public is beginning, or about to start learning about MMS, the Miracle Mineral Supplement/Solution introduced by Jim Humble and chronicled by yours truly via articles, audio interviews on Talk For Food, and through my documentary, Understanding MMS: Conversations with Jim Humble. Increasingly, people who contact me with questions indicate that their doctor advised them to get it and give it a try. Bravo! Yesterday I received a link to a video that is currently on YouTube, a pilot for a television series on MMS.

The series, shot in High Definition, is titled, “Straight Talk on MMS: Chlorine Dioxide”, and is hosted by Dan Bender. It gives a wonderfully concise overview of MMS, what it is, and a range of perceived health conditions that it can address. This episode is shot in Brussels, Belgium, and features Andreas Kalcker, who is planning to travel the world in a custom made RV which looks like it could be competitive in the Paris to Dakar rally, and produce a documentary on MMS. As one of the “original players” in this story, perhaps we’ll meet one day. But I wish Dan and Andreas the best in their travels, as MMS continues its ascendancy in public awareness and adoption.


Monday, December 14, 2009

Relief from Psoriasis and a vacation – part three

So here we are my Husband Dave and I and our two kids at the Dead Sea and I started my psoriasis treatments just four days ago.

The results so far are amazing!!! My skin already looks better than it looked in years, the dry skin that I have had because of the psoriasis for years is disappearing, the itching has gone and I feel great! I have no problem wearing a short sleeved shirt or even my bathing costume. If the psoriasis continues to disappear at this rate then this will have been the best holiday of my entire life.

The psoriasis treatment itself is even enjoyable. Soaking in the Dead Sea water is an experience because you float! I even read the newspaper while floating in the water. The mud packs that peel of the psoriasis affected skin is also very relaxing and I just sit and read or talk to some of the other people and swap psoriasis stories.

The final stage of the psoriasis treatment involves sunbathing. What is great is that because the whole area is over 400 meters below sea level , most of the UV radiation is filtered out and you can spend longer periods of time in the sun which also helps clear up the psoriasis.

Dave says that not only do I look better, but that I am happier and more relaxed. He’s right, because if, after only four days, I feel and look this good, when we go home in 10 days it will be as if I never had psoriasis. So far, everything I was told about the treatments and their effect on psoriasis has been 100% true.

So far, I’ve only talked about myself, in the next article, I’ll let Dave and the kids have a word so that they can tell you about how they (and me when I’ve finished my daily psoriasis therapy) spend their time.


Monday, December 7, 2009

Psoriasis and medical tourism?

If you are one of the many millions of people across the world who suffer from psoriasis then you know that psoriasis isn’t infectious in any way, shape, size or form. What psoriasis is, is a skin disease that causes sufferers a great deal of stress and emotional suffering and consistently high financial costs in cream, lotions that, at the best, give you just a very limited respite from the affects of psoriasis and at worst, because of hormones and other chemicals, can cause harmful side effects.

Another aspect of psoriasis is that, despite the advances in modern science – there is no known permanent cure!

So, what would you say to a great vacation, with all the family, in one of the most magical spots on the face of the world, the Dead Sea ? There, alongside amazing scenery and luxury 5 star hotels, you could get natural, enjoyable psoriasis treatments that clear up your skin within days and whose effect on the ravages of psoriasis last for up to 9 months and slow down the reappearance for many extra weeks.

I know, a vacation at the Dead Sea isn’t cheap but can you compare it to the cost of all those creams and lotions? Bear in mind that such a vacation will enable you on end to go out for months without having to worry about the psoriasis.  

All of a sudden, it begins to make sense!

Health and a holiday, all rolled into one! And did you know that a lot of insurance companies and health services will subsidize the cost of your psoriasis treatments at the Dead Sea, including travel and accommodation costs?

So, nothing to lose and everything to gain from taking a vacation and combined psoriasis treatment program at the Dead Sea.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Psoriasis Symptoms And Treatment

Psoriasis is a chronic condition characterized by reddening and thickening of the skin. It has effects on 1 percent to 3% of the entire population. Here we’re going to look at the 5 differing kinds of psoriasis. Plaque Psoriasis This is the commonest form of psoriasis. It is usually indicated by thickening and flaking of the skin on several areas of the body. In some instances, the patches cover a massive portion of the body. Although they can wax or decline, they have the bent to be prolonged. This condition can take place in any area of the body. The most prone areas include the elbows, knees, knuckles, scalp, trunk, arms, legs, and external sex organs.

Psoriasis is more than dry skin. There are different types including pustular, nail and guttate. Psoriasis remedies that may work for some people don’t work for others so give yourself time to refine your treatment applications and don’t give up. The abnormal cell growth can appear in various parts of the body such as arm pits, trunk, scalp and nails, elbows and knees.

Thickening and flaking of the skin may protrude to the forehead just below the hairline. Scaling can become prevalent in the outer ear. Psoriasis can also have an effect on the connecting tissues of the nails. Pitting is an early manifestation of nail psoriasis, which can also take place in other diseases. Palmoplantar psoriasis occurs in the palms of the hands as well as soles of the feet.

Probably the type that most people think about when they hear the phrase psoriasis is plaque psoriasis. Symptoms include red patches and spots that have scales which are silver. For guttate psoriasis, a bacterial infection is often cited as the underlying cause.
The Natural Method

There are a number of ways to deal with the condition including both traditional medical as well as all-natural alternatives. Fortunately, the majority of cases can benefit from natural treatments and bypass the need for medications that often produce unwanted side effects.
As with many chronic conditions, it is advisable to approach treatment naturally, and from a number of angles. Start by dealing with psoriasis in a holistic manner by making changes that affect your entire body and lifestyle. In other words address the problem from the ‘inside’.
But since your immediate concern is the external outbreak of skin lesions, you should also deal with the condition topically to reduce the severity of the symptoms you are experiencing.

Some of the best-known natural psoriasis treatments are remarkably effective. In fact, natural treatments are increasingly recognized as suitable solutions with more and more commercial psoriasis treatments incorporating natural ingredients in the formulations.
Because the treatment remedies may not work instantly and require modifications, it is easy to get impatient. Many people first will work with the drug store products that don’t require prescriptions. For some this will be an effective remedy. Remember to use moisturizer on your skin and not to let it dehydrate. Keep a sense of humor and don’t give in to discouragement.

Read About Irregular Menstruation and Menstrual Disorder and also Uterine Bleeding

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Look at Why Medical Care Costs So Much

The issues raised in the This American Life program on health care reform resonated with me as they are common issues in my practice. As a dermatologist, one of the most common problems my patients have is psoriasis, a red, scaly rash that can affect different parts of the skin. These spots on the skin are caused by inflammation; in other words, they are caused by an overactive immune system. When psoriasis is particularly severe, the inflammation causes internal problems. Psoriasis is associated with arthritis, heart disease and depression.

Psoriasis can help us better understand the costs in our health care system. A patient with relatively mild psoriasis (a few red, scaly spots on the elbows and knees) has several options for treatment, the first being a high-potency topical cortisone medication, which typically clears up the spots if the patient uses it regularly. The topical cortisone medicines are reasonably safe; however, with persistent long-term use, cortisone medicines can cause some thinning of the skin. 

  • The high potency topical corticosteroids have been around a long time. Generic versions are available in creams and ointments and can be purchased for only a few dollars a tube; however, they can be messy.
  • If patients prefer less mess, they can choose newer formulations of topical corticosteroids, including a spray or foam. These are easier to use but significantly more expensive, costing $100 to $200 per container.
  • Patients also have the option of a vitamin D cream or ointment. These drugs are considerably more expensive than generic topical cortisones, but have fewer long-term side effects. One company developed a combination cortisone/vitamin D ointment that contains both products. While this is a convenient way to get the benefit of both drugs at once, a large tube of the medication can cost $800 or more.

The newer options may perform better on a patient’s psoriasis than the first, but patients tend to choose the drug based on the type of insurance they have: 

  • If patients are uninsured, have no prescription benefit or have a high co-payment for medications, they will often choose one of the low cost, generic topical cortisone medications.
  • If patients have good prescription coverage as part of their insurance, they may choose a branded cortisone medication. I had one patient who had terrific drug coverage in their insurance plan. When offered the choice of a low-cost generic cortisone, the less messy/more costly high strength cortisone in the spray, and the highest cost combination cortisone/vitamin D medication, the patient said, “Doc, give me the spray and the combination drug. I’ll try them both and see which I like better. My insurance covers the cost of my medications.”

The cost of medical care doesn’t follow the rules of cost that apply to most consumer goods because the people who consume the medical care aren’t the ones directly paying for it. If well insured patients are given a choice between a $10 drug that may work reasonably well and a $10,000 drug that might work 10 percent better, the patient is quite likely to choose the $10,000 drug. That kind of thing doesn’t happen at a place like Best Buy. People won’t pay a 100 times higher price for a computer that offers just 10 percent more RAM or a camera that has 10 percent more pixels.

If people were paying for care out of their own pockets, they wouldn’t buy $50 aspirin pills in the hospital —they would pay for less expensive products that met their needs. They would search for the best deals on medical care. Providers of services would be forced to compete on price, and the price of health care services would drop, making care more affordable for everyone.

There are people who argue that medical care is inherently different from other services we purchase, that we need health insurance companies to make decisions for us and to pay for things that we can’t afford. Certainly the growth in the cost of health care is different from other goods, but much of the high cost is caused by health insurance, not solved by health insurance.

Yes, there are emergencies and complexities that make purchasing health care somewhat different from purchasing other products. But it isn’t completely different — there are non-health care emergencies and other incredibly complex products and services that we purchase regularly.

The difference is that when we buy those products with our money, our tendency to search out low prices and only pay for those things that are worth the price. 

Monday, November 9, 2009

Psoriasis - it’s not as bad as you think

If, like me, you suffer from psoriasis, then I bet, just like me, you went through a period when you just wanted to hide away. For me, this was in my teenage years when the symptoms of psoriasis, dry, white skin patches and itching broke out with a vengeance on my face.

I can still remember sitting at home, feeling sorry for myself and wondering why I had to suffer from psoriasis and if there was a cure for the symptoms of psoriasis.

Well, as I am sure you know, there is no total cure for psoriasis. But there is a treatment that provides relief from the symptoms, clears-up the skin leaving behind skin unmarked by psoriasis. What’s more, the effects don’t last for a week, or a month like many treatments – they last for almost a year!

I can hear your next question – where can I buy it? This isn’t another cream or lotion claiming to repair the damage caused by psoriasis. It’s not available at your local pharmacy or health store and it’s a 100% natural psoriasis treatment with no side effects.

Time to put you out of your misery; I’m talking about a course of treatments at the Dead Sea in Israel. My uncle took me there when I was 17, and since then, my life has changed,

We went for a two week stay, and after just one week of using the mineral mud packs and bathing in the salty water of the lake, the signs of psoriasis were remarkably less. The dry air and the low UV levels in the sun’s rays, made sunbathing a pleasure and one that also made my skin healthier and cleared up the signs of psoriasis. By the end of two weeks, you had to look really closely to know that I had psoriasis – my skin was clean, fresh and PINK!.

When we got home, my parents were amazed, and I went straight to a club for a night of celebration.

I’ll tell you more about it in another article.

Friday, October 16, 2009

On 'Death' and MMS: Jim Humble Responds to Nash Attack

From his location in Africa, Jim Humble sent me, in encrypted form, his own assessment of Mr. Nash’s accusations surrounding the death of his wife Sylvie. I’ll simply publish it as received, without further comment. ~AA

October 16, 2009 — 5:42:12 AM

Subject: Response to Doug Nash

As I have already said, the loss of one’s wife is probably the greatest loss that one will ever experience and thousands of people have also mourned his loss, and so do I. I shall never wish him anything but the best of wishes for the loss he has experienced.

Having said that, there is the other side of the story that no one seems to want to face, so let me state it. After all I am probably the one person in the world who should state it. Immediately after his wife’s death Mr. Nash started on his attack of MMS. Without knowing anything about MMS, or bothering to learn anything about MMS, Mr. Nash embarked on a program to destroy a chemical that is probably at this time the most important chemical that mankind has. Out of the estimated 2 million people who have already used MMS there are at least 100 thousand lives saved and more hundreds of thousands of people have overcome their suffering and returned to living their lives back in a normal fashion.

Then if Mr. Nash had of checked just a little bit of the chemistry, because the data is readily available, he would have found that MMS is a natural chemical manufactured by the human immune system to help prevent diseases and to keep the body healthy. He didn’t check at the time and he is not checking now. All he wants is his revenge by destroying the public’s faith in this chemical and to create fear in the public’s minds. The fact is, he is taking his revenge out not on just the public, but on humanity in general. Any person in his situation must accept a certain responsibility to mankind. His statements will destroy many people’s chance to again live a normal life. In a situation of this importance most normal people are up to taking the kind of responsibility that would demand that they review the items in question and absolutely know their ground. I’ve seen it many times. Normal people just step up and do what is necessary. Here is a man, Mr. Nash, stepping up and doing what is totally unnecessary. Every time Mr. Nash sends one of his heart breaking messages he hurts hundreds if not thousands of people who will probably never use MMS because of his message.

I am 77 years old and I have studied the human psyche for over 50 years. I traveled the world and spent several hundred thousand hard earned dollars to take courses, therapy, buy books, and study with people from around the globe. My studies tell me that when a person takes such a huge disregard for his responsibility to mankind there is a reason. He is reacting like an extremely guilty man. In my opinion he is lying about something that he feels he must keep secret at all costs. Now I know that there is going to be a lot of people out there saying how terrible and unfeeling I am to say anything like this when he has experience such a terrible loss, but don’t you see I would be shirking my responsibility if I did not tell the public what I believe.

Thirteen years ago, I stood in the jungle of Guyana and accepted the responsibility to take the cure that I had found to mankind. I had also found gold in the jungle, and I could have continued being a prospector. But I accepted my responsibility and I risked my life at that time to prove my discovery. I would be shirking my responsibility, now, to not at least say what I believe.

From Mr. Nash’s actions and reactions I believe that he is lying about something in the situation that happened. I don’t know what, but I know that most people have a much greater sense of responsibility to mankind than Mr. Nash has demonstrated. In fact he as demonstrated a total lack of any kind of that responsibility and is showing an attack. In observing men in situations throughout the world where they have had losses or special situations have been thrust on them, most rise to the occasion. Only a few throw their chance to prove their worth to the wind. I believe that he is directing the attention of the public and police way from himself by ranting about MMS. It is my suggestion that Mr. Nash be completely investigated. If I had the money I would pay for it to be done, but my money is like I have always said, for the people here in Africa. If you think that is unfeeling, I am sorry. It is my job to protect MMS. There were people who witnessed his wife die, but how many people witnessed the rest of the day? We only know that she was in a comma. We need to know what happened the rest of that day, before people arrived. I am sorry, but Mr. Nash is trying too hard to blame it all on MMS. He is screaming MMS so loudly no one is looking at him. Well I can’t do anything from here in Africa. But I suggest that the police take a good look at Mr. Nash. Any person even slightly responsible would ask for an investigation. They wouldn’t rave about something they knew nothing about. Do you see? He isn’t even waiting for the autopsy reports, he is trying to do as much damage as he can before the report comes out.

I would like to point out that 2 drops that he said his wife had couldn’t possibly have caused what he claims. I have given more than two drops to a very tiny baby puppy without them even vomiting. In Africa and Mexico I have give two drops to hundreds of babies with malaria and dozens of other diseases. I have seen more people take MMS than anyone else in the world certainly more than 5000 people. Not even one person per thousand has done more than vomit 30 seconds and they didn’t last a full minute of vomiting. Now that I think about it, Mr. Nash is showing an amazing method of attack. It is like he already had the plan of attack in mind. Either he has an amazing knowledge of the Internet and the various blogs or he has some help finding the places to send his heart breaking but hate messages. I can state that I know that two drops couldn’t cause that reaction that he has told us. MMS is not a catalyst. It is an oxidizer. If the autopsy says different then we know that she had much more than 2 drops. A man in Los Angeles took 1/2 of a bottle of MMS that’s 2.75 ounces or 1403 drops. He went to the hospital, but he didn’t die. Do you see, 1403 drops didn’t kill this man and 2 drops killed Nash’s wife? Two drops cannot last in the human body longer than 1.5 hours. So if they find MMS in her body, we know something happened other than what he said. You can kill anyone by forcing too much of anything down their throat, too much water, or salt, or sugar, or anything else.

So please, any of you, don’t follow Nash’s example. Take a few minutes to at least check MMS out. At this point you too have a certain responsibility to your family, and at least to your friends and neighbors. If MMS really works, and you are willing to check that out, the fact is you will save someone’s life within the next 5 years simply because you know what it does. That is the exact statistics of it. If you don’t know that MMS works, then whoever it is will just die like they normally would, and you will probably never realize it. Statistics says that everyone in the US comes in contact at least once every 5 years with someone that is about to die. Of course, most people don’t recognize it when it happens, but it does happen. And like it or not, as a member of the human race, you also have a certain responsibility to that person that you will come in contact with in the future. Please accept that responsibility now. You will feel better knowing that you can save a life when the time comes. – Jim Humble

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dilomat Specialty Pharmacy Provides Stelara for Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis

Diplomat Specialty Pharmacy is  providing  Stelara(tm) (ustekinumab) for the treatment of adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.  At no cost tothe patient of health care provider- we:

  • Initiate and manage the entire Insurance Prior Authorization process
  • Assist patients with all insurance issues including Appeals & Denials
  • Seek financial assistance from any available Patient Assistance Fund
  • Coordinate Medicare Donut Hole Assistance
  • Coordinate Stelara(tm) Support Co-Pay Assistance Cards for all eligible patients
  • Coordinate delivery of Stelara(tm) with each office visit

Please call a Diplomat Psoriasis Care Coordinator  at 1.866.311.9966 for more information.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day Nineteen: Sketches of Spain

And after a day filled with the working class ballet or whatever title is being bestowed upon football to make it more palatable to intellectual types, it was time for some proper culture (and as a true Glaswegian, I cant help but say that in a nasally tone and pronounce it Proper kultyir). Don’t get me wrong, I can analyse the hell out of football with the best of them (and in a better style than that muppet Andy Gray, the only time anyone should be recreating his “take a bow son” line is when someone else boots Andy Gray in the haw-maws) but sometimes it is just random stuff from overpaid and over-valued players being cheered on by idiots and best to just be enjoyed on a basic level.

Which brings us to art…now, I don’t what art is but I know what I like. The morning got off to a lively start at the Caixa Forum where an exhibition of Richard Rogers work was going on. Okay, no one should be cheering architects in the manner that footballers get lauded, there is a paucity of Greek Thomson scarves and posters on kids walls but at times, these architects are capable of conjuring up moments of majesty and wonder that will have people enthralled at their water coolers for a long time. They are also able to put a roof over people’s heads, which is probably more important.

You may not know the name but you will have seen the Millennium Dome, Terminal 5 at Heathrow, the Lloyds Building in London and maybe even Terminal 4 at Madrid and they are all attributed to Rogers. There’s a better element to his work than many architects with the importance of the social value being central to the design, which definitely appeals to me. So much of the work looks fantastic but the fact that it can be produced efficiently and bring a whole deal of benefits to society is important It also brought home the fact that his original design was chosen before the Squiggly bridge in the tendering for Glasgow’s latest bridge across the Clyde. Roger’s tender won but when the costs were examined and made public, the outcry saw a cheaper work selected. It’s a shame but given the current economic climate and the lack of additional benefit the dearer bridge would have cost, a level of pragmatism must be applied.

Next stop was the Reine Sofia, dominated by Pablo Picasso’s Guernica. There appeared to be people taking pictures of the people taking pictures of the drawing such was the excitement and attention being placed on it, which I found quite strange to be honest. The section was largely devoted to war based art and much of it was very good. I’m a fan of propaganda artwork, of which there was much to see and some of the pictures of the Spanish Civil War were extremely interesting, most notably, The Death of a Militia Man by Robert Capa, which has always been an attention grabbing picture.

However, Guernica…….I’m not convinced. I think the thing is, if you are being that abstract, it allows many people to take their own opinion from it, which means that it is open for criticism as much as the fawning praise it gets. A look in the gift shop indicated the level of analysis which was given over to this painting and perhaps, if I took the time, that would explain a lot more and help me get into it. It’s certainly a piece of art that was developed in stages and no doubt a lot of thought went into it but again, that style of artwork just doesn’t do it for me. In my opinion, Jonathan Richman was on to something; maybe if someone had called Pablo Picasso an asshole, he would have tobered up and did some more palatable art. Haha, no one called Pablo Picasso an asshole, not like you (me)

I can handle Dali, some of his work is decent and even his abstract stuff has some tangible quality I can take but at this moment in time, Picasso’s work is the Emperors New Clothes to me. I very much doubt my voice will be the one to shout “here, that Pablo is pure naked” and have people change their opinion but I’m just putting it out there.

So that was the morning and after a short break in the afternoon, things were back on the go that evening with a traditional Spanish meal on the cards. That was rather tasty, allowing us to relax and enjoy a few cerveza’s later on knowing that we had at least went for a traditional meal. After a bit of shopping, the bars were hit, with the 6 Coronita’s for 15 euros in the Irish bars being the best offer in town!

Those that know me will understand I’ve never been the bonniest person around but lately, I’ve been worse looking than usual due to an increasing amount of psoriasis on my scalp. This can be caused by many different factors but stress and overly worrying can be a major cause of it and I think we’re beginning to see a reason here! I’d love to be like the MAD character, Alfred E. Neuman, and his catchphrase “what? me worry?” but for whatever reason, my personality is not like that. So anyhoos, that’s been a further dip in the confidence and my way of reacting to it is by trying to make a joke about it and showing it up for the nonsense it is.

As we were off to Madrid and the weather was pretty warm, I got a number one cut. On the downside, this was going to expose the unsightly blotches but on the other hand, it would keep my scalp cooler and prevent any itchiness and the inevitable clawing that follows. One of our party said that it looked to be very sore but to be honest, it looks bad but doesn’t feel bad, and its impact is definitely more psychological. Anyways, we were discussing it and I remarked “it just looks really bad but you can just add it to the list of things that make me look like a modern day John Merrick.”

This was met, in all seriousness, with “You look nothing like the racing bloke”. Haha, that of course is John McCrirrick whereas my comparison was to the Elephant Man! Neither of them are characters you would wish to be compared to I suppose, at least Merrick had plausible excuses for being that way, McCrirrick just comes across as an awful dislikeable man.

For the record, I’m not really like either of these men, for my confidence levels I may as well be but its not really about looks. I have some really stunning and fairly handsome friends who are also single so it’s clearly not just about looks, a lot of factors need to come into play.. I just lack in a lot of areas. Theres been a few failures this year so its probably best to sit back, badger the doctors for even more assistance in getting rid of these blotches and carry the fight against fat into 2010!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Comment Faire pour Soulager le Psoriasis


Le psoriasis est une maladie de la peau d’origine mal connue, en partie génétique.

Cette affection dermatologique touche 1 à 3 % de la population mondiale, aussi bien chez les femmes que chez les hommes.

Dans sa forme bénigne, le psoriasis se limite au cuir chevelu, aux ongles, aux genoux, aux coudes, aux pieds, aux mains et, parfois, aux organes génitaux.

Dans les cas graves, il s’étend et peut gagner la totalité du corps.

Cette dermatose chronique évolue de façon très individuelle, avec des poussées, mais aussi des rémissions au cours desquelles les lésions disparaissent.

On dit alors que le psoriasis est « blanchi ». Le répit est de durée très variable et la rémission souvent incomplète.

À ce jour, aucun traitement curatif permettant de guérir complètement du psoriasis n’est connu ; il est toutefois possible de maîtriser le psoriasis, de diminuer l’étendue des lésions et d’améliorer la vie des personnes qui en sont atteintes.

Si vous souffrez de psoriasis, il est bien sûr primordial de vous faire suivre par un médecin. Mais il existe aussi des moyens naturels pour vous soulager et diminuer l’impact négatif que cette condition impose à votre style de vie.

Comment soulager les démangeaisons








Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Dead Sea – Health and Vacation combined

The Dead Sea, at some 400 meters below sea level is the lowest spot on Earth. It is also a place known for centuries because of the therapeutic effects on sufferers from psoriasis, vitiligo  dermatitis and eczema, asthma and rheumatism.

The Dead Sea’s unique location and its geographical feature make it unique. A combination of mineral rich water, constant sunshine with low UV rates, mineral rich mud’s and dry air, make it the perfect place for suffers from skin diseases like psoriasis and eczema and joint aliments such as rheumatism.

Because of its depth and its location on the edge of the Judean Desert, the Dead Sea suffers from extremely high evaporation rates. This means that the remaining water has a very high salt and mineral contents and the evaporated water is absorbed by the exceedingly dry air to form a natural sun block. These features have made the Dead Sea the ideal spot where sufferers from psoriasis, eczema and rheumatism can combine a course of amazingly effective and long lasting treatments with a relaxing vacation with all the family.

No more trips to a sanitarium all by yourself. Whilst the Dead Sea may have no life in it, the area around is full of hotels and things to see and do. After having your daily treatment, that usually lasts for around three hours, you still have time to explore the many wonderful canyons and natural wonders in the area. You can take a trip to historic Masada and ride the cable car to the top of the mountain to wander through the ruins and enjoy a breathtaking view of the desert. Jerusalem, that spectacular city, is just an hour away. Take a trip to the Old City with its amazing market, the Wailing Wall, the Dome of the Rock and antiquities going back over 4000 years and relating to the worlds three greatest monotheistic religions.

Once you have experienced the relief from pain and the enjoyment of the vacation – you’ll become a returning visitor!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Psoriasis and psychology

A course of psoriasis, eczema or rheumatism treatments brings sufferers from those diseases comfort, but not only physical relief from pain and discomfort. The effect on a patient’s state of mind, their outlook on life, can also be phenomenal!

Because treatments are carried out in a relaxed, holiday atmosphere, patients can relax and have a vacation along with the treatments. In fact, many people come with their families and spend a family vacation exploring the wonders of the Dead Sea area or visiting the amazing city of Jerusalem just an hour’s drive away. Released from the anxiety of psoriasis lesions or dry, itchy skin, patients can concentrate on getting better.

Additionally, the speed with which improvement becomes obvious, skin clears up, rashes disappear, lesions heal, aches and pains disappear bring them new hope that the years spent suffering from psoriasis, eczema or rheumatism may finally be behind them.

Psoriasis, in particular, is thought to be stress related so any reduction in stress can only be beneficial. Following a course of treatments at the Dead Sea, patients go home with a new lease of life, with clear skin, joints that no longer cause them pain and with the knowledge that the improvement will be with them for many, many months.

Another factor adding to the relaxing characteristics of a stay at the Dead Sea are the higher than average levels of bromine and oxygen, both of which make a contribution to the mental as well as physical well being of sufferers from psoriasis, eczema or rheumatism.

Psoriasis Treatment at the Dead Sea

A typical course of treatment for psoriasis, eczema or rheumatism consists of four weeks of sun exposure combined with bathing in the Dead Sea. At no stage during treatments are artificial substances used – everything used is 100% natural and free from harmful additives.

It really works!

Over the past twenty years many research studies have been carried out into the therapeutic effects of Dead Sea treatments. Over 60% of patients report a complete disappearance of all symptoms and signs of psoriasis, eczema or rheumatism for periods of up to nine months. 36% report significant improvement also for periods of up to nine months. Studies have also shown that repeated courses of treatment do not lessen the therapeutic effect.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Psoriasis, eczema or rheumatism - no cure but long term relief is available

Even though there is no known cure for psoriasis, eczema or rheumatism, long term relief is available using 100% natural remedies. With over 5% of the world’s population suffering from psoriasis alone, the prospect of long term relief without the use of potentially harmful hormones, steroids or chemicals is worth looking into.

The Dead Sea – lowest place on earth with highest recovery rates.

The Dead Sea is the lowest spot on the face of the planet – 400 meters below sea level. The therapeutic effects of the Dead Sea have been known for centuries and stem from its unique geographical location and characteristics. Research projects, carried out by some of the world’s leading medical facilities and universities, show conclusively that undergoing a course of treatment at the Dead Sea has immediate and long lasting effects on those suffering from psoriasis, eczema or rheumatism.

The Air

The atmosphere in the area is rich in bromine and other elements which filter out the harmful UV-B rays from the sun. This reduces the risk of sunburn to a minimum whilst allowing the sun’s rays to work their wonders on the skin and aching joints of sufferers from psoriasis, eczema or rheumatism. Oxygen content is also higher, 5% more than at sea level.

The Water

Dead Sea water contains a concentration of minerals and salts that is ten times higher than that of sea water – 350 grams per liter. The main salts found in the water include magnesium, sodium, potassium and calcium. The water is also infused with a high concentration of hydrogen sulfide. Put together, these prevent the development of plant or animal life in the water and allow bathers to float unassisted on the water.

I could go on and on, but in conclusion, let me just point out one additional factor pointing to the benefits of Dead Sea treatments for psoriasis, eczema or rheumatism. Many national health organizations and even insurance companies subsidize treatments at the Dead Sea because of the immediate and long lasting benefits gained by sufferers.
